A big part of why the Wellington Low Carbon Challenge works (and why we love it!) comes down to collaborative, generous people from across sectors who are willing to lend their brains to help new projects grow.

The 2017 Low Carbon Challenge is supporting a diverse group of 6 teams, tackling everything from period waste, to bio-diesel to baby clothes (read more about them on Powershop’s blog here).

Last night they all pitched to 25 ‘dragons’ from across the business, civic, startup and climate change sectors, to get some wider perspective before they launch into crowdfunding campaigns.

A ‘Dragon’s Nest’ event is a collaborative spin on the traditional ‘Dragon’s Den’ concept – because Wellington is just that kind of place….

We created 6 ‘nests’ of fierce but friendly dragons, let the teams pitch for 2 minutes and let them join tables to get some new perspective and ideas on their work in 2 quick fire rounds.

These ‘fast feedback’ events are intense, but really valuable for our teams to test their assumptions, refine their offerings and build their confidence. Not to mention the opportunity to connect with a room full of potential advisors, champions and funders from across the city.

It’s also great for our community. Gathering willing collaborators from across the city always creates new, unexpected and useful connections for everyone.

Working together on Climate Change solutions is also a great reminder that we are all in this together.

It doesn’t matter if you work for Deloitte, run a startup, work in elected office, or on our local council, Climate Change affects us all and events like this create ways for us to work together on solutions that help move our society and economy in the right direction.

A big thanks to The Vodafone Foundation for hosting us and all the partners, supporters, alumni and community who came along to lend their brains, give their time and support the event. Stay tuned for more from our teams shortly.